Scritti politici e letterarii: raccolti ed ordinati da Giovanni Di Gregorio [Political and Literary Writings: gathered and ordered by Giovanni di Gregorio]. New York: Venanzi Memorial Committee, 1921.



Scritti politici e letterarii: raccolti ed ordinati da Giovanni Di Gregorio [Political and Literary Writings: gathered and ordered by Giovanni di Gregorio]. New York: Venanzi Memorial Committee, 1921.


This compilation of the writings of Flavio Venanzi (b. Roma, 1882; d. New York, 1920) has a book cover design by sculptor Onorio Ruotolo (q.v.), a eulogy by Enrico Leone, and an introduction by Arturo Giovannitti (q.v.).

Venanzi was Il Proletario’s correspondent during the trial of Ettor, Giovannitti and Caruso in 1912, during the Lawrence, Mass., textile mill strike. He was also the director or manager of a short lived but sophisticated and beautiful magazine called Vita (q.v.) edited by Giovannitti, and an influential member of the Federazione Socialista Italiana (FSI). Published by the Venanzi Memorial Committee on East 12th Street, where the left had many of its offices; the printer was Avanti Publishing Company, whose name is otherwise unknown to me.

These literary and political essays, gathered after Venanzi's early death in 1920 at age 37, probably from pneumonia, reflected his wide-ranging interests. Like his friend, Giovannitti, Venanzi was a voracious reader and writer who produced as many articles and essays on art and literature (including the classical Dante, Boccaccio, Ariosto, as well as more modern writers such as Foscolo, Leopardi and D’Annunzio) as he did on political subjects. By reading to her from Dante, Venanzi taught Italian to Italophile Helen Keller, who wrote an introduction to Giovannitti’s Arrows in the Gale.

During the debate on whether Italy should enter World War I, Venanzi was a leading neutralist. He was also among those members of the FSI and the IWW who embraced communism, and who, on November 6, 1921, organized the Federazione dei Lavoratori Italiani d’America, a section of the American Labor Alliance (ALA), located on East 10th Street in Manhattan. The ALA aimed at “uniting all avant-garde elements of the Italian subversive movement in the U.S.”


Flavio Venanzi


Venanzi Memorial Committee




22 x 16cm; 304 p.




Flavio Venanzi, “Scritti politici e letterarii: raccolti ed ordinati da Giovanni Di Gregorio [Political and Literary Writings: gathered and ordered by Giovanni di Gregorio]. New York: Venanzi Memorial Committee, 1921.,” Italian-Language American Imprints: The Periconi Collection, accessed April 25, 2024,

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