Nuovissima Grammatica Accelerata Italiana-Inglese e guida pratica dell'italiano in America. Corso Complete per imparare a scrivere, parlare e comprendere la lingua inglese in breve tempo senza maestro [Newest Accelerated Italian-English Grammar and Practical Guide for the Italian in America. Complete course for learning to write, speak and understand the English language in a short time, without a teacher]. New York: A. Gaudenzi & Co., 1914.



Nuovissima Grammatica Accelerata Italiana-Inglese e guida pratica dell'italiano in America. Corso Complete per imparare a scrivere, parlare e comprendere la lingua inglese in breve tempo senza maestro [Newest Accelerated Italian-English Grammar and Practical Guide for the Italian in America. Complete course for learning to write, speak and understand the English language in a short time, without a teacher]. New York: A. Gaudenzi & Co., 1914.


This work in the 1914 "latest edition" (as indicated on the cover but not on the title page) was originally issued in 1896, when it was copyrighted by Angelo De Gaudenzi & Co., and renewed in 1900, see verso of title page, just a few years after Augusto Bassetti’s popular grammars, q.v., and his dictionary, was widely popular.

Note that the Banca Antonio Doyno of Cleveland, Ohio, either "sponsored" this copy - that is, paid for numerous copies to give its depositors probably as a "strenna" or gift at Christmas time (but perhaps selling it to them); or may be considered to be the publisher.

For an explanation, please see the description of the other grammar in the collection that was likely given as a Christmas gift by another non-New York bank, the Banca Commerciale Italiana A. DiPietro & Co. of Boston.

The connection between banks and Italian language book publishers in America is explored in my essay on the website, "Italian American Book Publishing and Bookselling," q.v.  

The collection contains copies from as early as this one, 1914, when it was 352 pages, from 1944 (two copies), well before which time the work was enlarged to more than 500 pages, and from 1964, when it tells of the death of Pope John XXIII - a run of 68 years, beating both Arbib-Costa and Pecorini's grammar for longevity.

This “latest edition” after the 1905-1907 editions, dated 1914, contained 13 parts, according to the title page, but recounts events in its “brief history” only to 1898.

The 1944 edition’s, q.v., section on U.S. history records the  events that ended World War II. The 1890 edition was copyrighted by the author, who later - some time after 1914 - transferred his rights to the Italian Book Company, of which he was corporate Secretary. 

An advertisement boasts of an earlier edition of this work than 1914, the “Edizione 1905,” in the 1905 Italian American Directory as having “grown into XI Parts, adding a brief history of the U.S.,” and running to 400 pages.

De Gaudenzi, the corporate secretary of the Società Libraria Italiana in its early years, includes in this work, besides conventional grammar and lists of vocabulary, nomenclature and pictures of tools for various trades (such as tailor, blacksmith, carpenter, watchmaker), useful phrases and sample form letters in both languages.

These latter include a “segretario,” including delightful love letters, marriage proposals, and appropriate responses: “[I] have never dared to explain my great love for you.” To a jealous lover, an appropriate reply, counsels this work, might be “Your words are entirely out of place, and I do not believe that the friendship of a[nother] gentleman, known to my father, could have displeased you. I have not yet promised to seclude myself entirely from society and friends. . . .”  

How much the themes of these letters differs from those of "secretaries" produced in the mid-19th c. and earlier in Italy needs to be researched to determine how much the American experience affected the choice of topics.


20x14cm; 352 p.


“Nuovissima Grammatica Accelerata Italiana-Inglese e guida pratica dell'italiano in America. Corso Complete per imparare a scrivere, parlare e comprendere la lingua inglese in breve tempo senza maestro [Newest Accelerated Italian-English Grammar and Practical Guide for the Italian in America. Complete course for learning to write, speak and understand the English language in a short time, without a teacher]. New York: A. Gaudenzi & Co., 1914.,” Italian-Language American Imprints: The Periconi Collection, accessed April 16, 2024,

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