Memorie di vita di tempeste sociali [Recollections of a Life in Social Storms]. Chicago: A cura del Comitato "Vittorio Buttis," 1940.



Memorie di vita di tempeste sociali [Recollections of a Life in Social Storms]. Chicago: A cura del Comitato "Vittorio Buttis," 1940.


The gorgeous cover art is by Fort Velona, one of the great graphic artists (see Sotto il segno del littorio, q.v.) and labor organizers active in leftist causes. The preface is by radical activist Angelica Balabanoff, q.v.

The title page of this work states, “A cura del comitato Vittorio Buttis, Per onorare il 50.o Anniversario di servizio fedele alla causa operaia e socialista” (Edited by the “Vittorio Buttis” Committee to honor the 50th Anniversary of faithful service to the worker and socialist cause).

This memoir of Buttis’s life of and experiences in political activism is illustrated with several black and white photo portraits of influential Italian Americans, and especially prominent I.W.W. figures, including “Eugenio Vittorio” Debs, Mother Jones, and Angelica Balabanoff.

By the early 1890s, Buttis (b. Venice, 1860 - d. Chicago, 1950) was considered a dangerous socialist by Italian police authorities. He was secretary of a chamber of labor in Intra (in Piemonte) and editor of its newspaper, before leaving for Brazil in 1911. Arriving in the U.S. (in 1915) he joined the Federazione Socialista Italiana, allied with the Socialist Party of America, and in 1916 became editor of La Parola del Popolo in Chicago, q.v.

Though arrested in 1918 for his anti-war articles, he was known as a voice of moderation and even as a censor of ideas he thought too extreme. For example, he did not support the Russian Revolution because he considered Lenin too critical of international socialism. He helped run the soup kitchen for striking workers in Lawrence in 1912, and wrote a daily column for La Notizia of Boston, headed by Vincenzo Vacirca, q.v.


Vittorio E. Buttis


A cura del Comitato "Vittorio Buttis"




20 x 13.5cm; 191 p.




Vittorio E. Buttis, “Memorie di vita di tempeste sociali [Recollections of a Life in Social Storms]. Chicago: A cura del Comitato "Vittorio Buttis," 1940.,” Italian-Language American Imprints: The Periconi Collection, accessed April 27, 2024,

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