La bottega: scene della ricostruzione fascista [The Workshop: scene of the fascist reconstruction]. Detroit: Libreria Autonoma, 1927.



La bottega: scene della ricostruzione fascista [The Workshop: scene of the fascist reconstruction]. Detroit: Libreria Autonoma, 1927.


A two-act, heavily anti-fascist play published by the Detroit anarchist group’s bookstore, the Libreria Autonoma (Autonomous Bookstore). (See also Lolmo, Insurrezione e Rivoluzione, published by same publisher., part of the collecton.) 

Gigi Damiani (b. Rome, 1876; d. Rome, 1953) was an author well published in the U.S., but there is no evidence that he ever set foot in this country. Other than La bottega, published in Detroit, the plays of Damiani were all published in the U.S. by L’Adunata dei Refrattari, the Galleanisti publication edited by Max Sartin (Raffaele Schiavina), of which there are several in the collection.

Damiani, an important anarchist figure in Italy - indeed, after the deaths of Galleani and Malatesta, considered by the fascist regime to be the most important Italian anarchist leader - was a compelling writer who as successfully as any, other than Cordiferro and Giovannitti, used the theatre as a means to promote anarchist ideas. He traveled throughout the world, including Brazil, France, Belgium, Spain and Tunisia.

As recently as 1991, a more philosophical and theoretical work, Damiani’s Saggio su di una concezione filosofica dell’anarchismo (An Essay of a Philosophical Conception of Anarchism) was first published, posthumously, in Pistoia, Italy, and is in the collection. Its publication so many decades after World War II, and nearly 40 years after Damiani's death, suggests the continued vitality of his ideas.


Gigi Damiani


Libreria Autonoma




17.5 x 12.5cm; 30 p.




Gigi Damiani, “La bottega: scene della ricostruzione fascista [The Workshop: scene of the fascist reconstruction]. Detroit: Libreria Autonoma, 1927.,” Italian-Language American Imprints: The Periconi Collection, accessed April 28, 2024,

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