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  • Tags: 1921-1930

Il Messaggero No. 57 A.jpg
For a discussion of this magazine that ran for at least eleven years (1918 or 1919 - 1929), and that was utterly sui generis, neither radical, nor anti-fascist, nor fascist, nor bourgeois, see the general entry:Il Messaggero della Salute: rivista…

Il Messaggero No. 55 A.jpg
For a discussion of this magazine that ran for at least eleven years (1918 or 1919 - 1929), and that was utterly sui generis, neither radical, nor anti-fascist, nor fascist, nor bourgeois, see the general entry:Il Messaggero della Salute: rivista…

Photo Sep 22, 11 45 11 AM.jpg
Just when you thought you could put all Italian American newspapers or magazines into "boxes" labelled one of the following, namely, (1) "Bourgeois- Prominente Class," (2) "Anarchist, socialist, et al., and anti-fascist", or (3) "Fascist,"  - that…

This magazine "of Italy and of America," or in English "Italy-America Review," published in Rome, nominally has editorial addresses also in New York and Cordoba, Argentina, this last reflecting the magazine's boast that it covers Italian life in…

Proletario - main.jpg
The I.W.W. Italian language newspaper, Il Proletario, has a glorious and lengthy history of many decades and almost unique importance in the Italian American non-anarchist left. It was started by Italian socialists in 1896 in Pittburgh, and soon…

At 352 pages, this edition of Nettlau's biography of Malatesta - published in the same year (1922) and by the same publisher (Il Martello) -  is 48 pages longer than the other edition. See the other edition for a brief bio of Nettlau, who was…

Umanita Nova - No. 10.jpg
See main entry (for all five issues) for a description of this "libertarian" anarchist newspaper, shut down by the fascists in Milan in 1922, when edited from Rome by Malatesta, according to Enrico Arrigoni, as quoted in Avrich, and then reborn in…

Umanita Nova - No. 9.jpg
See main entry for a description of this anarchist and libertarian journal, first published in Milan, though Errico Malatesta edited it from Rome, according to Enrico Arrigoni, from an interview by Paul Avrich, and then, when the fascists shut it…

Umanita Nova - No. 7.jpg
See description and history of this newspaper in the general entry for February - May 1925.

Umanita Nova - No. 5.jpg
See description and history of this newspaper in the general entry for February - May 1925.

This is a copy of the Third Edition of this work, 1924, first published, in 1912. Arbib-Costa (b. Livorno, 1882; active, New York, 1900–1930), professor of romance languages at the College of the City of New York, wrote texts designed to help…

Fifth Edition. It seems likely that this Fifth, and the Seventh Edition, q.v., date from sometime in the 1920s, but there is no evidence in the book or otherwise to pin this down.Here, as with Pecorini's Grammatica enciclopedia, I adhere to G. Thomas…

"Seventh Edition."It would not be until an Eighth edition in 1933, q.v. - 24 years after the original 1909 publication -  that the reader would be reminded that despite the 1914 date that appears in every edition (the Fifth and Seventh before the…

Vita - Anno 2, No. 2.jpg
See the general entry for this magazine for some history. This satirical magazine is not to be confused with Vita: rivista dei nostri giorni of Giovannitti and Venanzi that was issued in 1915.The calendar depicted on the second interior page above is…

Vita - Anno 1, No. 7.jpg
See general entry for this magazine for some history. Not to be confused with Vita: rivista dei nostri giorni of Giovannitti and Venanzi in 1915.

This 1909 issue is the only issue of L'Asino in the collection that was actually published in (as opposed to being distributed in) New York. To see the difference between the two: note "New York" and the date of publication in small type above the…

l'asino - 30 April 1905 - front.jpg
For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…

l'asino - 2 April 1905 - front.jpg
For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…

For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…

l'asino - 12 March 1905 - front.jpg
For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…

l'asino - 19 February 1905 - front.jpg
For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…

l'asino - 12 February 1905 - front.jpg
For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…

l'asino - 5 February 1905 - front.jpg
For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…

l'asino - 15 January 1905 - front.jpg
For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…

l'asino - 8 January 1905 - front.jpg
For a full account of L'Asino as published in Rome, see general entry for the magazine from January 1905 - November 1905.As with all issues of L’Asino, this one features bright, full-color front and rear cover (and interior black-and-white) political…
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