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  • Tags: La Cronaca Sovversiva

Three-panel folded keepsake from the Cronaca Sovversiva, on heavy stock, enunciating the principles of how long anarchism will have to exist - so long as all the injustices of the world remain. Luigi Galleani was one of the anarchist movement’s most…

This is in part the transcript of an interview between socialist and anarchist writer and attorney for the anarchists, Francesco Saverio Merlino, and Cesare Sobrero of the Italian daily, La Stampa, and in part, following the interview, Galleani’s…

A pamphlet of 24 pages, this work addresses Italian mothers about the injustices of a nation whose sons return from war, mutilated and undone. In particular it calls for the release of Augusto Masetti, a soldier who, during the Libyan war, is alleged…

A good example of the international nature of anarchism is reflected in the changing places of publishing of different volumes of the same work: Casa Savoia, Vol. I was published but in Buenos Aires in 1927, two years before the publication of this…

The cover has a variant (from the title page) of the title of the work, namely, Come i falchi: Scene dramattiche in due atti.Postiglione (b. 1893 L'Aquila; d. 1924 L'Aquila) left Italy in 1910, embarking at Le Havre for New York, whence he went to…
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