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  • Tags: socialist

Preface by Luigi Antonini. Modigliani (b. Livorno 1872 - d. Roma 1947) was an attorney and politician, a Socialist Party Deputy, and brother of Amedeo Modigliani, the painter. His position as an anti-fascist was close to that of Gaetano Salvemini. He…

Proletario - main.jpg
The I.W.W. Italian language newspaper, Il Proletario, has a glorious and lengthy history of many decades and almost unique importance in the Italian American non-anarchist left. It was started by Italian socialists in 1896 in Pittburgh, and soon…

Biblioteca di Propaganda Rivoluzionaria. A short report written by German anarchist Max Nettlau. It was published by the book arm of L’Azione, a critical weekly of revolutionary propaganda based in Barre, VT, where Luigi Galleani settled after postal…

A monthly periodical edited by Vincenzo Vacirca. Contains part of novel Il rogo [The Pyre] by Vacirca; according to Durante, Il rogo continues into 1928. Vincenzo Vacirca (b. Sicily, 1886; d. Italy, 1956) was a member of the Socialist Party of…

Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 (Jan. - Sept. 1927) are in the collection; these issues contain part of Vacirca's novel Il rogo [The Pyre]; according to Durante, Il rogo continues into 1928.Vincenzo Vacirca (b. Sicily, 1886; d. Italy, 1956) was a member of the…

The gorgeous cover art is by Fort Velona, one of the great graphic artists (see Sotto il segno del littorio, q.v.) and labor organizers active in leftist causes. The preface is by radical activist Angelica Balabanoff, q.v. The title page of this work…
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