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  • Collection: Histories, philosophy, biographies, directories, almanacs, annuals, religious, educational, and travel literature

Attempting to fill the same need that American city directories had long performed, this Italian American directory is notable for its national (and international) scope. It leaves no possible advertising space unused, with a lively multicolored…

Inscribed by the author, see photo, to Luigi Barzini [Sr.], February, 1922. Alfredo Bosi’s 1921 Cinquant’anni di vita italiana in America claims itself to be the first history of Italians in the United States. (There are perhaps other candidates.)…

See the full description of this work in the entry for the other copy.This is a library copy of this work, with a softer cover page, and no rear cover; inscribed on the front free endpaper by Bosi to Dottore Guido Egidi, "omaggi d'amicizia, cordiale…

A curious play with Saint Peter, Pope Pius VI, Vittorio Emanuele II, Garibaldi, all at the entrance to heaven. "Pietro" (mispelled "Pitero") says to himself, "It's really worth the trouble to abandon the lake, the fishing nets, the free life, to…

"Impressioni" of novelist Italo Stanco follows at end. Caminita describes the source of inspiration for this biography: walking up Broadway one evening with an editor of Il Corriere d’America. The sight of the electric sign at 47th Street and…

As he did in his work on Italian-American journalism, q.v., Carnovale provides at the end of this pamphlet several pages of, as translated from the Italian, "judgments of American newspapers on my bilingual book, Why Italy Entered into the Great War…

One of the odder publications of Carnovale, a journalist whose most important work, also in the collection, is Il giornalismo degli emigrati italiani del Nord America. Carnovale seems to have prided himself on the breadth of genres in which to…

Dedicated to Melville Knox Bailey, founder & president of "Italo-American Educational League." Perhaps reflecting how early in the period of the Great Migration he was writing, Cavallaro’s work is not about Italians, but rather sets forth the…

The leader of the Italian Committee for the Defense of Immigrants, Edward Corsi (b. Capestrano (L'Aquila) 1896 - d. New York 1965) immigrated to the U.S. in 1907 at the age of ten with his mother and step-father. A studious boy, he frequented Harlem…

After the Italians of New York, those of San Francisco (and Chicago) probably had the most well-developed network of periodical press, book press, theatre, literature of various types, associations and other forms of collective efforts, including…

This Italian version of the original WPA Guide "The Italians of New York" was "riveduta ed ampliata da Aberto Cupelli" (revised and expanded by Alberto Cupelli); sponsored by Guilds Commmittee for Federal Writers Publications, Inc.The WPA Guides to…

See my essay (on the site) Italian American Book Publishing and Book Selling, for a discussion of this work.C. Calvosa (of whom Durante says nothing) signed the introductory note. Francesco Tocci, perhaps deceased by 1919, was the nephew of the…

Eugene Debs on cover, & Debs introduction ("Man, Woman and Child in the Conception of Debs"; oration of Norman Thomas; preface by Morris Hilquit, Anna Kuliscioff.

First Edition [stated]; ex-libris copy (The Free Library of Philadelphia). Detailed directory by State and major City. Promises a bigger and better 1938 such Directory, but I have not found evidence that one was in fact published.

Prefatory essay by Bernard Lazare; 13 pages of historical references, by date, from March 1906 through March 1907 [it says "1897"]; other essays by him, and other Italians (including Luigi Fabbri), and works translated from French and German…

Note the advertisement on rear cover for L'Adunata dei Refrattari, not exactly consistent with the prominente press values that Personeni represented.  This otherwise general business-advertisement filled "almanac" is noteworthy for the 16-page…

In the 62 pages of this work are essays by various writers. Of particular note at the end is a 4-page catalogue of other books published by the Libreria Sociologica, a bookstore as well as publisher, which was founded in 1903 by noted anarchist Ninfa…

After a 15-page almanac of historical events associated with each day of the year, there are essays by Luisa Migel, Pietro Gori, Joe Hill, and Clifford Howard. List of "opere" and "opuscoli" by anarchists are in the rear. Rear cover: "La Nostra…

Accordions made by this Italian and American company - at this time based on Mulberry Street in Manhattan - continue to be sold by many dealers, and the Baldoni family still has some involvement, though not in New York. On the cover, on which is…

This much more famous work (than Poesie Varie) was also "Pubblicate dall' Autore." Da Ponte’s Memorie could not have been published in Italy at the time they were written for the reason that he freely criticized the Austro-Hungarian empire that…

This French version of Da Ponte's memoirs, q.v., dated 1860, translated from the Italian by M.C.D. De la Chavanne, still pre-dated by a couple of decades any publication in Italian in Italy of this work, so critical of the Austro-Hungarian empire…

The signature stamp of Leonard Covello, the profoundly influential Italian-American educator in East Harlem, reflects his ownership of this copy of Dore's work, surely one of the four or five most highly cited sources of historical and sociological…

One of the earlier of the almanacs (of about 6 or 7) in the Collection. This 1895 Italo-Svizzero Americano almanac was published in San Francisco, Pietro Magetti handwritten owner name on cover. This is the "Supplemento all'Elvezia no. 7" that…
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